

Str Pârgarilor, nr 2, Sector 2
București, 021108 România


[email protected]


IBAN: RO32BRDE410SV90962864100

Locotenenți Andrei & Melisa Fănică

+40 722 408 248
+40 730 769 241

[email protected]
[email protected]

Programele și știrile noastre

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Proiectele noastre

Educam Viitorul

The project has started on the 16th October 2018 and it is hosted by The Salvation Army’s Headquarters in sector 2 (street Pargarilor, no.2), Bucharest. The volunteers and the students meet up every Tuesday and Thursday between 2 pm and 6 pm. The tutoring sessions cover the subjects of Mathematics, Romanian Language and Literature and Romanian History (all mandatory subjects for the Baccalaureate examination).

All those who wish to be involved in this project can:

  1. Distribute the Facebook page in order to increase visibility : https://www.facebook.com/Educam-Viitorul
  2. Recommend this project to others who are interested in volunteering: https://goo.gl/forms/eQLiMBq6n4SEsDoj2
  3. Recommend this project to potential students (beneficiaries)

The teaching volunteers have the following benefits:

  1. The chance to further improve their teaching abilities and methods, as well as their creative, management and communication skills;
  2. Volunteering experience in a well established international organization;
  3. Official volunteering certificate;
  4.  The chance to develop their professional teaching network;
  5. Experience in an international organization with social impact.

Fabrica de bucurii

„Fabrica de bucurii” este un proiect handmade de susținere financiară a programelor pentru copii și adolescenți, aflate in cadrul Armatei Salvării București.

Fabrica de Bucurii-28

Printre creatiile noastre se enumera pentru moment: cercei, bratari, coliere, inele. In viitor intenționăm sa ne extindem si inspre covoare lucrate manual, accesorii pentru casa, precum cosulete, tablouri, cutii, etc. Vrem pe aceasta cale sa multumim tuturor care cumpara creatiile noastre, implicandu-se astfel direct in educatia si cresterea unor copii defavorizati oferindu-le în acest mod accesul la o viata mai buna, educatie, mancare si imbracaminte. Dumnezeu să vă binecuvanteze!

Școala de Muzică

București Școala de Muzică

Clubul Copiilor

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Grupul de Casă

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Studiu Biblic & Rugăciune

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Program Social

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