How could the world change? Through every spontaneous gesture of kindness

In a world deeply marked by the presence of a virus that has managed to isolate us in a way difficult to anticipate so far, in April, The Salvation Army team arrived with gifts in the homes of 40 children around the Day Center Iași, all coming from vulnerable families.

This approach was possible thanks to the collaboration with the Romanian team of the Amazon company, which offered basic food, cakes and toys to all the little ones of our center in Iași on the eve of the Easter holidays.

In just two days these wonderful people lovingly thought and bought each gift given to the children and our social workers took the place of the heroes in the stories, delivering all the gifts in one day and receiving in return the smiles and hugs of these pure souls.

We thank and the special people from the Amazon Romania team for the solidarity you showed in supporting our approach.

You had the power to bring so much joy to some families tried during this period and for this gesture we also give you the expression of gratitude to these wonderful children!

Hope is greater than fear

We are in emergency because of this virus, Covid-19. It looks like an image taken from the movies. We continue to believe and hope that it is not real, that only too much is done, that we find excuses, that we can move to the online environment, exactly what we did not want, maybe we can avoid as much as possible, but, it is as real as possible and we are called to isolation, which makes everything very difficult, because man is created to socialize, to enjoy interpersonal relationships and to stay together!

However, the human being adapts quickly, God created us in a wonderful way!

Thus we have meetings and activities online, from young people and children, to adults and the elderly, who have adapted to modern times. We hold hands online and pray more than ever to see a future!

Our hope must be greater in this darkness that has been left over our world.

People need spiritual support as well as food and medicins. Several colleagues, officers and volunteers from the locations where the Salvation Army operates, have made huge efforts to reach those with such needs.

Salvation Army Mobile Team continues to look through Bucharest for homeless people, to help them reach the open shelters to receive them during the day.

The social laundry in Iași is open daily for the Rossetti center, the homeless people and the medical staff in hospitals. Everything is done with the necessary protection measures.

Because the school is not over and the children are still “going” to the online school, and we believe in continuing education, the SMART project has moved its after-school activities online. This is not only about education, but also about the need for a healthy socialization offered by our specialists, educators and social workers.

These days we are trying to remove the fear that has comprised humanity, with the hope we have in the good God. We do this through our actions and activities, taking all the protection and safety measures, obeying the recommendations given by the authorities and trusting God that #everythingwillbefine !

In closing, we quote a statement of the hope offered by Max Lucado, in his book “Unshakable Hope”.

“We are building our lives on the promises of God! Because his Word is unbreakable, our hope is unshakable. We do not stand on the problems of life or the pain in life. We stand on the great and precious promises of God.”

Ionuț and Roxy Sandu
Regional Leaders
The Salvation Army Romania