Divisional Situation Report – 29 March 2022
Ongoing Romania Division Activities:
- The team from Georgia Division (Republic of Georgia), Divisional Leaders Majors Rezo Bakhtadze & Sofia Bakhtadze, Captain Temo Galustian and volunteer Elizabeth, wrapped up their work at the Siret border. A new team departs Thursday to continue working at the border led by Captain Nicolae Dumitru.
- The Salvation Army is still working in conjuction with DSU/ISU and AsproAS in Siret, Romania.
- The team from IES arrived last week, Major Mike McKee (USA), Captain Petr Janoušek (Czech Republic), and Major Irene Mathison (Norway). They have been helping run a booth handing out vouchers at Romexpo.
- TSA is coordinating with Bucharest City Hall (DGASMB – General Director of Social Assistance Bucharest) at Romexpo. A booth is setup to aid families with vouchers for meals and necessities. 667 families have been assisted with vouchers.
- Major Roxana Sandu (Romania Divisional Leader) is coordinating volunteers at Romexpo, where 2000 beds are prepared for overflow emergency shelter and is open daily as a distribution center for donated goods. Volunteers and employees are assisting sorting clothes and other donations.
- Divisional Leaders attended a meeting with the European Commission on Tuesday in Bucharest to review and discuss how to improve safety measures and awareness and communication methods for Ukrainian refugees to prevent being trafficked.
- The Salvation Army is only assisting and providing emergency overnight shelters at corps. Any long-term housing arrangements are being transferred and arranged with local government strategies.
- Iași Corps has sheltered 92 refugee families (292 individuals). Many only stay one night.
- Ploiești Corps has provided emergency shelter for 10 families (25 persons), many stay one night, a few have been transferred to subsidized living in Brazi.
- Ploiesti Corps is coordinating with Brazi City Hall, a suburb of Ploiesti. The City Hall has 31 apartments for refugees.
- Buzau Corps has 1 family (4 persons) staying with a family from the corps, they are also volunteering for the corps.
- Bucharest Corps had 5 individuals accommodated at the corps overnight on Sunday.
- Anti-human trafficking materials continue to be handed out to refugees.
- Over 5000 flyers of awareness and prevention have been handed out to refugees, and other NGOs working in contact with refugees, warning of potential dangers of trafficking, 3 cases that we are aware of were saved directly from these warnings, it’s not known exactly how many more have also been prevented from the dangers.
- Food and medicine continue to be the need for donations for camps in Romania and in Ukraine that can be transported via Romania.
Service stats to date:
Refugees assisted at the border 3396
Refugees given overnight shelter at corps 326
Refugees provided transport 493
Refugee families provided vouchers 667
Photos and videos can be found on our social media accounts and Flickr:
View a map of our work in Romania:
Sprijiniți Refugiații Ucraineni – Armata Salvării România (armatasalvarii.ro)
Voluntar – Armata Salvării România (armatasalvarii.ro)
Contact Information:
[email protected]