Mihail Kogălniceanu, Romania
07 JUNE 2024

Donut Day Iunie 2024-244

The Salvation Army Romania is thrilled to announce a historic Donut Day celebration held on 7 June 2024, in joint collaboration with The American Red Cross and USO. This event honored and celebrated the service of the brave men and women stationed at Mihail Kogălniceanu NATO Air Base, including troops from the 82nd Airborne Division and 101st Airborne Division of the United States Army, also troops from the United Kingdom, Finland, Romania, and others. Following the base celebration, the event extended to a local community school where donuts were distributed by The Salvation Army and American soldiers. The event took place from 08:00 to 13:00 and aligns with the traditional National Donut Day, which is observed on the first Friday of June.

Over 1,000 donuts were handed out on the base and at the school in Târgușor nearby, accompanied by refreshing coffee. Despite a blistering heatwave, the event was filled with smiles and laughter, making it a memorable day as the community came together to appreciate the dedication and commitment of our service members working abroad and to celebrate the values the original Salvation Army Donut Lassies of kindness, giving and thankfulness.

Who: Soldiers and personnel at Mihail Kogălniceanu Air Base; Americans, British, Finnish, Romanians

What: 1,000 donuts and coffee to hand out to celebrate Donut Day and honor and thank our service members and morale and welfare support staff

Where: Mihail Kogălniceanu Air Base and Târgușor Primary School

When: Friday, 7 June 2024, 0800-1300

Why: To celebrate the 100 years of boosting morale and welfare support for troops, and celebrating the act of kindness and giving and being thankful in honor of the original Donut Lassies.


Background and Historical Significance:

National Donut Day, celebrated on the first Friday in June, is more than just enjoying delicious donuts; it has its roots in philanthropy. This tradition began during World War I when nearly 250 Salvation Army volunteers, known as “Donut Lassies,” traveled overseas to provide emotional and spiritual support, as well as fried confections, supplies, and other services to troops on the front lines.

These “Donut Lassies” fried donuts in small pans and are credited with popularizing the donut in the United States when the troops returned home from the war. The Salvation Army in Chicago celebrated the first National Donut Day in 1938 to assist those in need during the Great Depression and to honor the work of the Donut Lassies.

For more than a century, The Salvation Army has continued to provide a wide range of essential services like food, shelter, and emotional and spiritual support to the most vulnerable and to many of the men and women serving on the front lines of need.

To honor the history of Donut Day, The Salvation Army of Romania celebrated by visiting Mihail Kogălniceanu NATO Air Base and local communities.



The Donut Day celebration at Mihail Kogălniceanu Air Base is a profound gesture of appreciation and recognition for the sacrifices made by our soldiers and to support our local communities. The Salvation Army remains steadfast in its commitment to supporting our troops through various initiatives, reinforcing the bond between the military community and our organization. We invite everyone to join us in recognizing and honoring those who serve with dedication and bravery far from home.

Donut Day Iunie 2024-139

More Photos – Click Here


For more information, please contact:

Dave Haas
Community Relations and Development Manager
The Salvation Army Romania
+40 799 057 120
[email protected]

About The Salvation Army

The Salvation Army, an international organization founded in London in 1865, has been providing support to those in need for 144 years in the United States and 25 years in Romania, being present in 132 countries. In Romania, the Salvation Army operates centers in six cities: Bucharest, Ploiești, Buzău, Bacău, Craiova and Iași, assisting thousands of Romanians in need through afterschool programs for children, support in humanitarian crises, aid in the event of disasters, support for homeless people, combating human trafficking and many other social services. Visit www.armatasalvarii.ro to learn more.

New Elected General: Lyndon Buckingham

The Salvation Army held a significant gathering on May 27, 2023, in the High Council chamber to elect their 22nd General. The event was deeply rooted in prayer and spiritual reflection. Commissioner Brad Bailey, the President of the Council, welcomed members and emphasized the gravity of the moment, describing it as a partnership with God in choosing the Army’s future leader. The Chaplain, Commissioner Yusak Tampai, introduced the theme “We are in this together,” reinforcing it with prayers and songs that members participated in.

Colonel Samuel Baah focused on Scripture passages that emphasized reliance on God’s guidance, and he urged members to seek divine direction in the voting process.

The election was held in a solemn, silent atmosphere, culminating in the selection of Commissioner Lyndon Buckingham as the 22nd General of The Salvation Army. After the election, special prayers and blessings were offered, including the first-ever blessing in the Māori language to honor New Zealanders in the chamber. The gathering concluded with well-wishes for the General-elect and The Salvation Army as a whole.

Read more on the international website here: The Salvation Army International – 22nd General of The Salvation Army Elected

Prince Charles visits Romexpo

Prince Charles visits Romexpo Bucharest Romania-ArmataSalvarii-25May2022-3

The Prince of Wales recently visited Romexpo, in Bucharest, Romania, where further assistance is being provided to Ukrainian refugees. He met with representatives of The Salvation Army and other nonprofits, and Romexpo continues to be a fundraiser, collecting hygiene items, household items and children’s toys for distribution.

Over 30,000 refugees have been assisted by The Salvation Army since the conflict in Ukraine started in February. Both Prince Charles, and Princess Margareta of Romania, thanked The Salvation Army for their service and for doing “an amazing job”.

Prince Charles visits Romexpo Bucharest Romania-ArmataSalvarii-25May2022-6

Prince Charles visits Romexpo Bucharest Romania-ArmataSalvarii-25May2022-2


Mesajul de Paști 2022 – General Brian Peddle

General Brian Peddle

Căci mie nu mi-e ruşine de Evanghelie, fiindcă ea este puterea lui Dumnezeu pentru mântuirea fiecăruia care crede (Romani 1:16)

Salutările mele pentru voi, în timp ce recunoaștem și sărbătorim Paștele 2022.

Apostolul Pavel a făcut următoarea afirmație în capitolul 1 versetul 16 din scrisoarea sa către biserica din Roma: „Căci mie nu mi-e ruşine de Evanghelie, fiindcă ea este puterea lui Dumnezeu pentru mântuirea fiecăruia care crede”. Și mă alătur lui Pavel pentru a-mi declara încrederea neînfricată în adevărul, puterea și nevoia mesajului Evangheliei lui Isus Hristos.

Paștele și timpul de pregătire a Postului Mare ne oferă ocazia de a intra în povestea mântuirii lui Dumnezeu într-un mod captivant. Este important să ne reamintim povestea fundamentală și generală a Evangheliei, care se află atât în centrul realității noastre spirituale, cât și în misiunea Armatei Salvării.

Oriunde v-ați afla în lume, indiferent de vârstă, indiferent de circumstanțe, Evanghelia lui Isus Hristos este o veste bună și este direct aplicabilă și relevantă pentru voi. Evanghelia încapsulează iubirea și alegerea lui Dumnezeu pentru voi; comunică oferirea harului, milei, iertării și reconcilierii; conține puterea învierii și promisiunea vieții veșnice; este povestea atotcuprinzătoare a Scripturii care continuă să fie trăită în viețile noastre astăzi.

Pentru cei care sunt mai mult decât familiarizați cu evenimentele de Paști, poate exista pericolul de a adopta o abordare blazată a Săptămânii Mare, dar vă încurajez pe toți să ne concentrăm asupra Paștelui 2022 cu ochi și așteptări noi. Isus este încă Mântuitorul lumii. El este încă Calea care duce la Dumnezeu.

Lumea de astăzi este un amestec de culturi, credințe, puncte de vedere și practici. Unii oameni propun să desubliniem părțile mai grele ale mesajului, dar este esența veștii bune care face posibilă pentru fiecare dintre noi iertarea păcatului, calea pocăinței și realitatea Raiului.

Evanghelia are ceva de spus. Aduce speranță și oferă o dimensiune eternă pentru a transmite un mesaj de care este nevoie cu disperare. Da, trebuie să găsim modalități relevante și respectuoase de a comunica Evanghelia în contextul nostru, dar nu este nevoie să ne pierdem încrederea sau să ne ferim de harul mântuitor al lui Dumnezeu, manifestat în Isus. Dacă nu profităm de ocazia de a împărtăși acest mesaj de Paști, când vom face acest lucru?

Armata Salvării, acesta este momentul tău să împărtășești Evanghelia tuturor – în orice modalitate în care poți. Și să cunoști prezența lui Hristos înviat în timp ce o faci. 


General Brian Peddle & Commissioner Rosalie Peddle

Nina and Tatiana find relief from the war in Ukraine when assisted by The Salvation Army at the Romanian border

Siret Border Moldova Team_220404_IMG_2334

Nina and Tatiana


‘It was frightening,’ Nina summarises, her breath visible in the bitterly cold Romanian air. She and her newfound friend Tatiana are reflecting on the circumstances that led them both to flee their homes in Ukraine. It’s before 8am. They’ve only just met, but are now sharing their experiences with each other in The Salvation Army’s tent at the border crossing in Siret. Listening attentively, Major Olga Iniutochkina, The Salvation Army’s divisional leader for nearby Moldova, bringing valuable assistance to the local team.

Twenty-something Nina describes her life as a florist in the Kyiv suburb of Pozdnyaki. ‘Mainly weddings,’ she says wistfully, as if she can no longer quite imagine such a thing happening. ‘I love the colours, the fragrance, the shape, the composition…’ Her voice, already soft, fades away.

A pause. A welcome sip of fragrant hot fruit chai. Tatiana takes the narrative, outlining her own emerging career in marketing based in the northern Ukraine city of Chernihiv. A pompierii (fire officer) who has been fixing the nearby gas heater silently takes a seat alongside the women to provide further reassurance. The fire and rescue team here are in overall control of the security and safety of the refugee operation here.

With renewed intensity, Nina speaks about the shelling of her neighbourhood. ‘Mercifully, I was out [when it happened], but when I got home, all the windows had blown in. It was awful.’ She corrects herself. ‘It IS awful. But it was not as bad as the neighbouring block. That was hit by a bomb, but sustained much greater damage. There was also a fire throughout the upper floors. I haven’t been able to make contact with some of my neighbours since.’

Another pause as Nina takes out her mobile phone. She becomes more assertive. ‘And not just my home, but my school.’ Shaking her head, she shows an image of a school building – it too with the glass blown clear out of the windows, into dangerous shards.

‘I’ve been careful what I share on social media,’ Nina adds. Tatiana nods in agreement. ‘Friends tell me that some photos were posted on Facebook of military transport vehicles parked underground at a shopping centre I use quite often. Within hours, that car park had been bombed… obliterated… completely destroyed. That’s a mall I went to frequently. It’s not a valid military target – there were no weapons there, just standard vehicles parked up.’Siret Border Moldova Team_220404_IMG_2364 2

The young women take a moment. Major Olga is attuned to the ebb and flow of such dialogue. Conversations that few people expect ever to be having. Confirming the veracity of the morning’s shocking news reports: ‘I saw bodies,’ adds Nina. ‘On the street.’

Major Olga, mindful of the risks facing two attractive young women, offers a leaflet on remaining alert to the potential for human trafficking, with a 24-hour helpline number. There’s a break in conversation as they read through, and then as a volunteer transport coordinator asks the major to assist with some paperwork. This inter-agency cooperation is crucial to effective working here at the border, to ensure efficiency, safety and greater levels of care.

Completing the paperwork provides another angle of conversation. ‘Bellissimo!’ grins Tatiana as she explains that she will be moving to Venice, Italy, to be with her mother for a while. ‘But I am going to miss my husband,’ she adds. ‘He’s in the military.’ She, too, tails off.

Nina, meanwhile, outlines her hopes to pick up temporary work in Dortmund, Germany. Eyeing the freshly-cut tulips on an adjacent table, she muses briefly about what kind of flowers might be available in this city. ‘But really, I don’t mind anything. I just want to work, and to be back in Ukraine when I can.’

Sensitively, Major Olga asks if they would like to be prayed for. There is no hesitation at all. ‘Please,’ they say, almost in unison. And so the women pray together, along with the unsuspecting pompierii still sitting patiently alongside. Their practical needs are also attended to, with offers of hot food and drinks, water, Europe-wide SIM cards and warm clothes. The women graciously decline – it’s not needed on this occasion.

Soon, word comes that transport to the nearest airport – still a two-hour drive away – is ready. ‘There is no rush,’ explains the pompierii. ‘You must remain here until you are completely happy.’

For Major Olga, too, there is no time limit. She will remain with the women until they feel comfortable getting into a vehicle, which will have been fully vetted before getting anywhere near the site. Sensing that there is still reluctance to board an unknown minivan, the major asks what the women think they are going to find most difficult.

‘Forgiveness,’ says Nina, without missing a beat. ‘Forgiveness is so, so hard. But we have to try. Ukrainians are united. The world stands with us.’ Tatiana echoes this sentiment, simply by restating that one word. ‘Forgiveness.’

With that self-motivation, the women gain the courage to leave the now-warm cocoon of The Salvation Army’s tent. With Salvation Army volunteers carrying their luggage to the waiting vehicle, there’s an opportunity for some further conversation with Major Olga on the short walk to transport area. Both women’s eyes fill with tears as they learn that there is no charge. Not for the transport, not for the chai, not for the emotional support, not for the other help that has been provided.

The tears meld with warm embraces all round, and as the van departs for their onward flights, enthusiastic farewell waves that would normally be indicative of a relationship developed over rather more than an hour and a half.

It’s all in a day’s work here at Siret for Major Olga and her compassionate, hardworking team. While it’s unpredictable exactly how many people will cross the border any given day, what can be assured is a caring and professional response, and one which will draw in as many other complementary services as is necessary for each individual’s specific needs and context.

There will be many more Ninas and Tatianas in the days ahead, each with their own unique experiences. There will be many more tears shed. And Major Olga and team will be ready with the tissues, the right words and the hugs.


Siret border - Nina and Tatiana_IMG_8283


  • Nina and Tatiana shared their story with David Giles, a volunteer with The Salvation Army’s Romania Division emergency response team.


Divisional Situation Report – 6 April 2022

Photos and videos have been posted at: flickr.com/armatasalvariiromania


Ongoing Romania Division Activities:

  • The team from Moldova Division, Divisional Leader Major Olga Iniutochkina and Captain Andrei Colicev and Cadet Alexandr Porojniuc arrived on Sunday in Siret. From Romania they are joined by Lt. Emil Ghenea and Cadet Polina Mahovici.
  • The Salvation Army is still working in conjuction with DSU/ISU and AsproAS in Siret, Romania.
  • TSA is coordinating with Bucharest City Hall (DGASMB – General Director of Social Assistance Bucharest) at Romexpo, an expo center. 2000 beds are prepared for overflow emergency shelter and is open daily as a distribution center for donated goods.
  • The team from IES, Major Mike McKee (USA), Captain Petr Janoušek (Czech Republic), and Major Irene Mathison (Norway), continue running a table at Romexpo in Bucharest providing supermarket vouchers to Ukraine refugee families, and anti-human trafficking flyers. 2831 vouchers have been distributed.
  • Major Roxana Sandu (Romania Divisional Leader) is coordinating volunteers at Romexpo, where Volunteers and employees are assisting sorting clothes and other donations.
  • The Salvation Army is only assisting and providing emergency overnight shelters at corps. Any long-term housing arrangements are being transferred and arranged with local government strategies.
  • Iași Corps had 107 refugee families (354 persons) accommodated. Many only stay one night.
  • Ploiești Corps had 13 refugee families (33 persons) accommodated at the corps for a few nights, a few have been transferred to subsidized living in Brazi.
  • Ploiesti Corps is coordinating with Brazi City Hall, a suburb of Ploiesti. The City Hall has 31 apartments for refugees. They are assisting families there with essential supplies and helping the families setup Romanian language classes with a local school.
  • Buzau Corps had 1 refugee family (4 persons) accommodated by a family at the corps, they’ve since travelled to Germany. Lt. Emil Ghenea and Polina Mahovici rotate days at the Siret border.
  • Bacau Corps is assisting a refugee family with transportation to Germany. Captain Nicolae Dumitru and volunteers from Bacau corps rotate days at the Siret border.
  • Bucharest Corps had 2 refugee families (15 persons) accommodated at the corps.
  • Anti-human trafficking materials continue to be handed out to refugees.
  • Over 6000 flyers of awareness and prevention have been handed out to refugees, and other NGOs working in contact with refugees, warning of potential dangers of trafficking, 3 cases that we are aware of were saved directly from these warnings, it’s not known exactly how many more have also been prevented from the dangers.
  • Food and medicine continue to be the need for donations for camps in Romania and in Ukraine that can be transported via Romania.


Service stats:

4126    Refugees assisted at the border
406     Refugees given overnight shelter at corps
1560   Families who received vouchers
2831   Total vouchers distributed


Photos and videos can be found on social media accounts and Flickr:

Romania news updates can be found here:
(EN) https://armatasalvarii.ro/en/news/

Map of Romania’s work:

Born in the war, newborn and family found new hope in Italy with assistance from The Salvation Army

Siret - MTU02218


Kirill turned 21 days old the day he crossed the Ukrainian-Romanian border through Siret customs. He was born on March 2, in the northern region of Kyiv, Vyshorod, in a bunker of a local hospital.

Valeria (29), his mother, says that among the first noises Kirill heard were those of rockets hitting the city. At the same time, four other children were born, and more than a hundred Ukrainian children were born in the hospital’s bunker. They left Kyiv the day before the destruction of the Irpin Bridge and took refuge in their parents’ house. As the bombing continued, Valeria and Iurii (26) decided to leave Ukraine.

Iurii’s sister’s house was bombed and destroyed, and that scared them even more. Iurii crossed the border with a certificate of disability, convinced that he could help his country in other ways and, at the same time, give Kirill a life away from the horrors of war. Iurii’s father still remains in Ukraine, but in four months he will turn 60 and is allowed to leave the country. Currently men 18-60 are forbidden to leave Ukraine, obligated to stay and fight the war.

They crossed the border at Siret after a long and difficult road, were taken over by The Salvation Army Romania’s volunteers and guided to the first minibus to Italy. There, in Pescara, Iuri’s grandmother was waiting for her, who confirmed to us that they arrived safely after another 20 hours spent on the road.


(Kirill at 1 month old now safely in Italy)


Photos and writing contributed by Marius Tudor.

View more photos on our Flickr.


About The Salvation Army

The Salvation Army annually helps people internationally overcome poverty and economic hardships through a range of social services. By providing food for the hungry, emergency relief for disaster survivors, rehabilitation for those suffering from drug and alcohol abuse, and clothing and shelter for people in need, The Salvation Army is doing the most good at 8 centres around Romania: Bucharest, Ploiesti, Craiova, Iasi, Bacau and Buzau. For more information, visit salvationarmy.org and armatasalvarii.ro.

Norwegian Salvation Army Officer working in Romania



Major IRENE MATHISON is an officer in The Salvation Army’s Norway, Iceland and Færoes Territory. Currently, she is deployed as a member of the movement’s International Emergency Services team to Romexpo, a large conferencing and exhibition centre in the Romanian capital, Bucharest. This arena has become the city’s major refugee hub with 2,000 emergency beds and an array of support services, free food and clothing. The Salvation Army was the first non-governmental organisation to partner with the city authorities, and has taken a major role in assisting the hundreds of refugees that pass through each day. Major Irene spoke to David Giles about her experiences.


How did you train to become an International Emergency Services responder?

Some years ago, I went to a course in England called Prepare – at International Headquarters. They prepared us to be a part of International Emergency Services, so that we can go out and help people, and help the territories that need help from International Headquarters.

It covers almost everything that’s important in a big crisis – humanitarian, disaster, and wars like this. It’s about sheltering, nutrition, water, safety, and trafficking – everything it’s necessary to be aware of in different types of crises.


Tell us about your experience here in Romania.

Well, this is my first deployment and, like the rest of the world, we just watched the news. And I thought to myself ‘I have to do something’. So when I was called and asked if I wanted to be deployed this time, I was happy to be a part of it. I said ‘yes’, of course, I wanted to be part of it

The experience so far is that it is huge. It’s a huge crisis for people – an entire people on the move and afraid. Inside Ukraine, still. And we as The Salvation Army – we as human beings – have to be there and help. Just to see the children, to be aware of the mothers and their grandparents – and everybody. So I’m really pleased to be deployed this time.


What does a typical day look like?

This is a huge arena. We’ve been here for several days. It’s a lot of people coming in. But right now we are giving out [grocery] vouchers to the families … so that we can bridge the gap between what the city of Bucharest is providing and what they need. Our job is to see where those gaps are, and fill them. We are seeing the mothers, playing with the children.

The parents tell us about loneliness – they are afraid. Some feel they are without hope. Many don’t have a plan of what they are going to do. So we are also here to do the counselling part. It’s great just to be here and see the people.


You’ve developed a bit of a reputation here as Stuffed Animal Woman – tell us about the toys!

Ah, yes! I’m using stuffed animals – I also have a red nose which I can put on when the children (or the parents) are really sad. It’s always nice to get a smile from a child with a stuffed animal. It’s as much colour as possible with the animals, and if they make a sound – it’s perfect!


How important is that human connection in The Salvation Army’s response?

I think that’s of huge, huge importance. We also give out a lot of information about human trafficking. When people see the face of The Salvation Army [and] see that we are safe, we give them information about trafficking and a phone number. If they feel afraid or something, they can call the number and get help immediately. So that’s a huge, huge work that we are doing.


And on the international dimension, share with us the countries that are represented here.

On the deployment from International Emergency Services, we are from the Czech Republic, United States and me from Norway. We are working with Ukrainians as volunteers as well as the Romanian officers. It’s the Romanian officers that are our bosses, so we just do what they need us to do. The international Salvation Army together like this – it’s our strength.


How can the international Salvation Army, friends and supporters help?

I think already many people are donating. They have to continue to donate money! Not everyone can go, but they can donate – and contribute to places where refugees are coming. They can also pray. We need prayer. The Ukrainian people need prayer. Everyone who is working with the refugees needs prayer. So we need a lot of praying!


Can you share one refugee’s story that has really struck you?

Yes. Yesterday, a mother was here with her mother and a little child, so three generations. I just talked to her outside. She told me that she was so lonely. Other than those three people, she didn’t know anyone else. They are living alone in a flat and she felt so lonely. Just by talking to her, she felt so pleased and thankful that we gave her that time – just to listen, and to see the child. That was touching. I’m proud to be a part of this.

Romexpo Bucharest_IMG_7939



About The Salvation Army

The Salvation Army annually helps people internationally overcome poverty and economic hardships through a range of social services. By providing food for the hungry, emergency relief for disaster survivors, rehabilitation for those suffering from drug and alcohol abuse, and clothing and shelter for people in need, The Salvation Army is doing the most good at 8 centres around Romania: Bucharest, Ploiesti, Craiova, Iasi, Bacau and Buzau. For more information, visit salvationarmy.org and armatasalvarii.ro.

Divisional Situation Report – 29 March 2022

Ongoing Romania Division Activities:


  • The team from Georgia Division (Republic of Georgia), Divisional Leaders Majors Rezo Bakhtadze & Sofia Bakhtadze, Captain Temo Galustian and volunteer Elizabeth, wrapped up their work at the Siret border. A new team departs Thursday to continue working at the border led by Captain Nicolae Dumitru.
  • The Salvation Army is still working in conjuction with DSU/ISU and AsproAS in Siret, Romania.
  • The team from IES arrived last week, Major Mike McKee (USA), Captain Petr Janoušek (Czech Republic), and Major Irene Mathison (Norway). They have been helping run a booth handing out vouchers at Romexpo.
  • TSA is coordinating with Bucharest City Hall (DGASMB – General Director of Social Assistance Bucharest) at Romexpo. A booth is setup to aid families with vouchers for meals and necessities. 667 families have been assisted with vouchers.
  • Major Roxana Sandu (Romania Divisional Leader) is coordinating volunteers at Romexpo, where 2000 beds are prepared for overflow emergency shelter and is open daily as a distribution center for donated goods. Volunteers and employees are assisting sorting clothes and other donations.
  • Divisional Leaders attended a meeting with the European Commission on Tuesday in Bucharest to review and discuss how to improve safety measures and awareness and communication methods for Ukrainian refugees to prevent being trafficked.
  • The Salvation Army is only assisting and providing emergency overnight shelters at corps. Any long-term housing arrangements are being transferred and arranged with local government strategies. 
  • Iași Corps has sheltered 92 refugee families (292 individuals). Many only stay one night.
  • Ploiești Corps has provided emergency shelter for 10 families (25 persons), many stay one night, a few have been transferred to subsidized living in Brazi.
  • Ploiesti Corps is coordinating with Brazi City Hall, a suburb of Ploiesti. The City Hall has 31 apartments for refugees.
  • Buzau Corps has 1 family (4 persons) staying with a family from the corps, they are also volunteering for the corps.
  • Bucharest Corps had 5 individuals accommodated at the corps overnight on Sunday.
  • Anti-human trafficking materials continue to be handed out to refugees.
  • Over 5000 flyers of awareness and prevention have been handed out to refugees, and other NGOs working in contact with refugees, warning of potential dangers of trafficking, 3 cases that we are aware of were saved directly from these warnings, it’s not known exactly how many more have also been prevented from the dangers.
  • Food and medicine continue to be the need for donations for camps in Romania and in Ukraine that can be transported via Romania.


Service stats to date:

Refugees assisted at the border                      3396

Refugees given overnight shelter at corps      326

Refugees provided transport                           493

Refugee families provided vouchers              667


Photos and videos can be found on our social media accounts and Flickr:

View a map of our work in Romania:

Sprijiniți Refugiații Ucraineni – Armata Salvării România (armatasalvarii.ro)

Voluntar – Armata Salvării România (armatasalvarii.ro)

Contact Information:
[email protected]

Divisional Situation Report – 19 March 2022

Ongoing Romania Division Activities:


  • Captain Ionel Sandu (Romania Divisional Commander) and Captain Yanick Termignone travelled to the Siret border and visited several camps and shelters in Suceava and Botoșani counties and meet with DSU/ISU (government emergency services) & AsproAS.
  • Captain Ionel Sandu is still coordinating social assistance volunteers at the refugee camp in Siret, Romania, in conjuction with DSU/ISU and AsproAS.
  • A shipment of two trucks of donations from Austria arrived to shelters in Botosani this week, a collaboration between Volkshifle from Austria to a Romanian Association: Asociația Militarilor Veterani și Veteranilor cu Dizabilitați (Military Veterans and Veterans with Disabilities Association)
  • Corps are building local support strategies with local government and community partners.
  • Officers from the Georgia Division (Rep. of Georgia) will provide reinforcement for the Romania Division for one week, starting on Monday.
  • Major Roxana Sandu and 11 volunteers from The Salvation Army assisted sorting donations at the Romexpo center in Bucharest today.
  • Romexpo is prepared as an overflow shelter for up to 2000 refugees, and a distribution center.
  • The Salvation Army is only assisting and providing emergency overnight shelters. Any long-term housing arrangements are being transferred and arranged with local government strategies.
  • Bucharest Corps is communicating with city government at the North Train Station (Gara de Nord), the needs are volunteers (translators specifically) and with Salvați Copii (Save the Children) for assistance with a children’s play area at the station.
  • Iași Corps has sheltered 66 refugee families (211 individuals). Many only stay one night, then continue to other destinations around the EU.
  • Ploiești Corps has provided emergency shelter for 8 families (23 persons), one family has moved to subsidized living in Brazi, the remaining have continued to other destinations in Europe. A family of two arrive this evening for emergency shelter until a transfer to a long-term housing.
  • Ploiesti Corps is coordinating with Brazi City Hall, a suburb of Ploiesti. The City Hall has opened 31 apartments for refugees.
  • Buzau Corps has 1 family (4 persons) staying with a family from the corps, they are also volunteering for the corps now. 
  • Divisional Headquarters, in Bucharest, and Bucharest Corps have prepared to host refugee families, though most are being transferred to emergency shelters around Bucharest or arranged via a call center with local residents, landlords or hotels. At Bucharest Corps, two refugees have used the shower facilities.
  • Anti-human trafficking materials continue to be handed out to refugees.
  • Over 1000 flyers of awareness and prevention have been handed out to refugees, and other NGOs working in contact with refugees, warning of potential dangers of trafficking, 3 cases that we are aware of were saved directly from these warnings, it’s not known exactly how many more have also been prevented from the dangers.


Photos and videos can be found on our social media accounts and Flickr:

View a map of our work in Romania:

Sprijiniți Refugiații Ucraineni – Armata Salvării România (armatasalvarii.ro)

Voluntar – Armata Salvării România (armatasalvarii.ro)

Contact Information:
[email protected]